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OK Care present: Tuesday Osteoarthritis

For those of you who follow us on Facebook, you'll have seen our "What You Need to Know About Joint Health" every Tuesday. This series features physiotherapists sharing information on the structure of joints in different parts of the body, simple self-tests, and joint strengthening exercises that can be done in case of degeneration or inflammation. Joint health is important to our quality of life because our joints play a role in supporting our body, maintaining balance and mobility. When joint problems occur, such as pain, stiffness or dysfunction, these conditions can limit the body's ability to perform activities of daily living, such as walking, climbing stairs, and gripping objects. Healthy joints ensure that we are able to perform our daily activities on our own, without relying on the help of others. Maintaining healthy joints can slow down the inconvenience of aging and enable us to maintain our independence and autonomy for a longer period of time.

Let me summarize for you the basic principles of joint care. Whether you have knee or shoulder joint discomfort, the following three tips for joint health will surely help you:

1. Moderate Exercise: Moderate exercise is crucial to maintaining healthy joints. Proper exercise can enhance muscle strength and flexibility, and improve joint stability and flexibility. It is recommended to choose low-impact exercises, such as swimming, cycling, walking, etc. These exercises can reduce the burden on the joints and at the same time provide sufficient exercise. Avoid overuse of joints or prolonged repetitive exercise, which may cause wear and tear of joints.

2. Healthy diet: A well-balanced diet is essential for joint health. Adequate intake of nutrients such as protein, calcium, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids can help maintain healthy joint structure and function. It is recommended to consume an abundance of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish, nuts and flaxseeds. At the same time, reduce consumption of high-fat, high-sugar and processed foods, which can lead to inflammation and joint problems.

3. Proper posture and joint protection: Proper posture and joint protection measures can reduce stress and strain on the joints, thereby protecting them from injury. Maintain good sitting, standing and walking postures and avoid prolonged stances. Use ergonomic furniture and tools to minimize twisting and overuse of joints. Use appropriate protective gear and safety equipment, such as knee pads and wrist guards, to provide additional support and protection during physical labor or exercise.

4. Supplements and pain management products: Certain supplements and pain management products may be beneficial to joint health. For example, topical creams, heating blankets and chondroitin are used to support the health and repair of joint tissue. They can reduce joint pain and improve joint function. Go visit OK Care's online store to purchase the products you need.

We hope the above information can help you to take care of your joints. For more details and health sharing, please follow our OK Care Facebook page. To prevent arthritis, please review our "What you need to know about joint health" series now.

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