Professional Medical & Healthcare Team
Physiotherapy Assistant
Physiotherapy Assistant
Occupational Therapist
Occupational Therapist Assistant
Registered Nurse
Enrolled Nurse
Speech Therapist
Healthcare Worker
Personal Care Worker

Physiotherapy Assistant

The Physiotherapy Assistant can provide onsite physiotherapy service according to physiotherapist's instructions, including exercise, massaging, etc. Elderly and patients who cannot make it to the clinic can receive professional rehabilitation treatment.


The Physiotherapy Assistant with certification issued by different organization, e.g. ERB, Fu Hong Society, Hong Kong Red Cross, Hong Kong Association of Gerontology or by related academy

Target Group

Elderly, Stroke, cancer, fracture, dementia, pain management, post - surgery, hospital discharged patients

Service Location

Household, nursing home, hospital

Service Area

Carry out rehabilitation treatment and exercise under instructions of the physiotherapist
Passive exercise
Active exercise
Assist in using rehabilitation tools

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