Professional Medical & Healthcare Team
Speech Therapist
Physiotherapy Assistant
Occupational Therapist
Occupational Therapist Assistant
Registered Nurse
Enrolled Nurse
Speech Therapist
Healthcare Worker
Personal Care Worker

Speech Therapist

Speech therapists provide door-to-door speech therapy services for patients, including language comprehension and language expression training, pronunciation training, oral muscle training, voice training, and speech fluent training, so that the elderly and patients can receive professional treatment at home. Speed ​​up the recovery time and improve the recovery effect.


Speech therapist with certified practicing certificate issued by Hong Kong Speech therapist Board of the Supplementary Medical Professions Council of Hong Kong

Target Group

Elderly, Stroke, Demetia, Pain management, Post-surgery, Hospital Discharged Patients

Service Location

Household, nursing home, hospital

Service Area

Language comprehension and language expression training
Pronunciation training
Oral muscle training
Voice training
Fluency training

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